Chad’s election body declares interim President Deby the winner

Chad’s election body declares interim President Deby the winner
Chadian military in the capital N'Djamena / Credit: Issouf Sanogo

Chad's state election body announced interim President Mahamat Idriss Deby the winner of the May 6 presidential election, with over 61% of the vote, Reuters reports. His main challenger, Succes Masra, contested the results, claiming victory himself. Security forces deployed across the tense capital N’Djamena ahead of the announcement.

Chad is the first of the coup hit countries across the West and Central Africa to stage an election, but opposition parties claim there was extensive vote rigging. 

Before the official announcement Masra claimed victory on Facebook live, calling on his supporters to mobilize peacefully to oppose what he called an attempt to steal the vote.

Despite Masra's popular support, analysts had anticipated Deby's victory, given his familial political legacy. Regional analysts say post-election protests are possible, although fears of police repression may deter participation.

The election's implications are significant, given that Chad is the only country in the Sahel that maintains close ties to France and other Western powers.

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