Chad’s opposition leader files official challenge to presidential election results

Chad’s opposition leader files official challenge to presidential election results

Succes Masra, leader of Chad’s opposition says he has filed a petition with the country’s constitutional council to challenge the preliminary results of the recent presidential election, the Associated Press reports. Last week the country’s electoral authority announced that interim President Mahamat Idriss Deby had come first with 61.3% of the vote and Masra in second place with 18.53%

Just before the announcement, Masra- who is also the prime minister in Chad’s interim government, claimed victory and asserted vote manipulation had taken place. He hasn’t offered any evidence to back up his claims.

Chad held its presidential election May 6, after three years of military rule. While Masra attracted large crowds to his campaign rallies, analysts expected incumbent president Deby to win, given his family’s political legacy. Deby seized power in 2021, after his father- who had been president for over thirty years- was killed by rebels.

Chad, with a population of 18 million, has not had a democratic transfer of power since it gained independence from France in 1960.

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